Excerpted from The Constitution of the College, Article IV. College Council Bylaws,
pages 4-6 of the on-line edition and pages 23-25 of the printed version.
Article IV College Council Bylaws
Section 1. Election Procedures
Nominating petitions for elections to the College Council shall be signed by three members of the College Faculty. Voters must return ballots in the envelopes provided by the Secretary of the Faculties and must sign the envelope. Voters who are absent from the University at the time of the College Council election may make arrangements to cast absentee ballots, and the Secretary of the Faculties shall issue regulations which will facilitate such arrangements.
Section 2. Organization
In the absence of the President or Provost, meetings of the College Council shall be chaired by the Dean of the College or, in his absence, his designated representative.
Section 3. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the College Council shall be held at least twice each quarter, except for the Summer Quarter. A schedule of these meetings, determined by the Dean of the College, shall be circulated by the Secretary of the Faculties at the beginning of each Autumn Quarter.
Section 4. Attendance at Regular Meetings
Any member who misses two consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the College Council without prior notice to the Secretary of the Faculties will be dropped from the membership and will be replaced by the highest alternate in the case of an elected member, or by a new appointee in the case of an appointed member.
Section 5. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the Dean of the College and shall be called by him upon the receipt of a written petition signed by ten College Council members.
Section 6. Agenda
The agenda for all College Council meetings shall be established by the Dean of the College after consultation with the Committee of the College Council. It shall normally be circulated to the members of the Council at least three days before a meeting. Any member of the College Faculty may present to the Dean, or to any member of the Committee of the College Council, items for consideration for the agenda. The final item for the agenda shall be the opportunity to introduce new business. Any item supported by a petition signed by ten members of the College Council must appear on the agenda for the next meeting.
Section 7. Council Action
Items for action shall normally be presented at one meeting for action at a subsequent meeting. No legislative action shall be taken in the absence of a quorum, which shall consist of twenty voting members of the Council. Council meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 8. Transmission of Standing Committee Reports
Reports of the standing committees of the College Council shall normally be transmitted directly to the Dean of the College and the Committee of the College Council and, through them, to the College Council. In cases where legislation is proposed, the Committee of the College Council shall review the proposal and then recommend its acceptance, rejection, or revision.
Section 9. Amendments to the Constitution
The College Council may amend this Constitution by passage of legislation with that stated purpose.
Adopted by the College Council on April 5, 1983.
Change to Article I, Sec. 2, part c adopted November 26, 1991.