As approved July 26, 1945 and as amended November 20, 1956; April 11, 1967; October 12, 1971; May 10, 1977; June 7, May 11, 1992, February 12, 2002, April 22, 2003, and May 13, 2003
PART II. The Committee of the Council
Rule 1. Meetings
The Committee of the Council shall meet every two weeks during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters, or oftener, at the call of the President, or of the Provost, or at the request of any two members of the Committee. The Committee shall meet during the Summer Quarter at the call of the President, or of the Provost, or at the request of any two members of the Committee.
Rule 2. Initiation of Matters for Discussion
Any member of the Committee may initiate matters for discussion by the Committee.
Rule 3. Election of a Spokesman
A Spokesman of the Committee shall be elected annually by vote of the elected members of the Committee.
The Spokesman of the Committee shall report to the Council the number of votes with names of actions taken by the Committee of the Council.
Rule 4. Minority Reports to the Council
A member of the Committee of the Council who wishes to submit a dissenting opinion (minority report) to the Council shall do so through the Spokesman after having first submitted it to the Committee for discussion. The member of the Committee preserves the right to discuss this dissenting opinion on the floor of the Council.*
*Rule 4 has been modified to conform with action by the Council on May 10, 1977.
Rule 5. Committee Reports to the Council
The Committee shall make a report (or a progress report) through its Spokesman at each meeting of the Council with respect to each matter referred to it by the Council, and may report to the Council on such other matters as the Committee deems expedient.
Rule 6. Vacancies on the Committee
A vacancy on the Committee shall be declared upon the death, retirement, or resignation of a member. Members who will be absent from the University for more than one quarter of the regular academic year shall be replaced. Members not absent from the University who absent themselves from all meetings for one quarter shall be replaced.
When a vacancy on the Committee is declared, it shall be filled by the first alternate chosen in the last election of members of the Committee.**
**Rule 6 has been modified to conform with the action by the Council on April 11, 1967.
Rule 7. Preparation and Distribution of Minutes
Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary of the Faculties and shall be distributed to members of the Committee.
Rule 8. Function of the Committee
Under Under Statute 12.6.2, the Committee serves as an agent of the Council considering matters of educational policy that lie within the jurisdiction of the Council, gathering information about such matters, and eventually recommending to the Council the action that it considers appropriate in each case.
Under Statute 12.6.4, the President may inform the Committee of matters that are sometimes of a confidential nature and sometimes outside the jurisdiction of the Council, and may seek the advice of the Committee relative to such matters. The Committee may advise the President and shall report thereon for the information of the Council, unless the President considers the matter as confidential.
Rule 9. Procedure of Consideration of Subcommittee Reports
When the Committee of the Council is scheduled to consider the report of a subcommittee and the chairman of that subcommittee is not a member of the Committee of the Council, the normal procedure shall be to invite the chairman to attend the meeting in question.